Australia Cambodia Sanitation Co-Operative





Who Are We


Clothing/Toy Donations


First Projects


Completed 2nd School Project


Live Project




Upcoming Fundraising





 Public School in Kandal Province - South West of the Capital Phnom Penh on the road to Vietnam

 School Details

 1,100 Primary School Students attend this school, 6 days per week


 The school has 2 working toilets for all the students and this creates hygiene issues and frequent illnesses

 Our Project

 Knock Down the 3 ancient non-working toilets

 Build a 5 toilet block

 New Septic tanks

 2 Side Water Supplies

 Existing 2 working toilets to remain


 $15,000 Australian Dollars (based on being able to get exchange rate of 70c US Dollar - fingers crossed)

 What is included in the price

 Supplies - Brick, Metal, Sand, Septics, Tile, Toilet Furniture, etc

 Builders - To demolish and remove the old 3 non-working toilet block, old septics and old water supplies;          Excavate and install new septics and water supplies; Build toilet block

 Project Manager - This is essential in Cambodia.  A local trusted person to pay the required amount needed to do the days work and to check the previous days work was completed. Also to provide photos and updates for this website

 Allowance - For a 10% overrun in costs during the build and also to insulate against a possible still plummeting Australian Dollar versus the US Dollar.  If this is not needed in its entirety it will be put towards the next project


 As of 06/04/2016 we have $8,630 generously donated and have $6,370 to go

Planned Building Start Date

 28th March 2016 - Past Due Date as of 06/04/2016 - to start in the next few days, see below milestones for details


Current Project Key Milestones

  •  October 2015 - Scouting for next project

  •  January 19, 2016 - Primary School selected and visited

  •  January 23, 2016 - Full Quote for Supply, Build and Project Management Obtained

  •  Current Funding being obtained and then money to metered out to the Cambodian Project Manager once available

  •  Planned Build Start Date 28th March 2016

  •  31st March 2016 - We have been distracted with our normal jobs, and planned start date missed due to insufficient funds.  Start has to be delayed by a few weeks to save the amount needed to cover the balance required.

  •  Next Visit to Cambodia and this School is now the 29th April 2016 and the project needs to commence before then so we will update soon with the revised start date for this project

  •  Photos of progress to be posted after our next visit at the End of April where we will personally take some

  •  April 6, 2016 - Project is short of the funds total but we thank everyone so much for their donations.  We have been promised some more yet to be received and we will make up the difference personally (we will keep saving while the project is running).  Thank you all for contributing so generously to help our little project. If you have not donated and would like to or intend to, that would still be greatly appreciated

  •  April 6, 2016 - The first amount of $1,500 AUD has been sent electronically (converted to USD) to the project manager to start the demolition of the existing toilet block and septic tanks.  Earthworks are next to be able to install the two new underground septic tanks. I will personally take photos to post here when I am there at the end of this month. Posting of the progress photos will occur on my return in early May

  •  May 16, 2016 - I have returned from Visiting the School in Cambodia.  The construction has begun and about 50% of the way through.  While there I paid suppliers and builders a total of $7,500 AUD.  See the bottom of this page for progress photos.  The final price will be about $2,500 Australian dollars less than the $15,000 target we originally budgeted for.  The build is planned to be finished within 4 weeks and the last amount of $3,500 AUD inclusive of approximate transfer costs to be sent by 17th June.  We are currently saving for that last payment. 

  •  May 17, 2016 - The school wants a ceremony and a plaque erected to say thank you.  I insisted that we do not want any personal recognition and we agreed upon a sign carved from wood to say Australia with a Kangaroo symbol on it to be commissioned .  We intend to visit again in early August to see it finished and to have the ceremony.  We will also be scouting and visiting other schools to select the next project 

  •  May 22, 2016 - $1,000 AUD of the outstanding $3,500 sent to Cambodia.  $2,500 to save now to complete the project. More progress photos uploaded, see bottom of this page

  •  June 3, 2016 - $1,000 AUD of the outstanding $2,500 sent to Cambodia.  $1,500 to save now to complete the project. More progress photos uploaded, see bottom of this page

  •  June 18, 2016 - $1,500 AUD, the last payment converted into USD sent as last payment for the build. Finished photos uploaded below. Last task it to pay a little bonus to the Project Manager for bringing this in under budget and getting it looking so good.  Then will go to the School in the next 8 weeks for opening Ceremony

  •  It took longer than we hoped but there was a return to the School in October, unfortunately it is rainy season and long school holidays for the children.  The school principal, school manager and some teachers were there to say thank you.  They took some photos together and presented me with the certificate (picture of this already shown below).  The nice think was there was two certificates one in Khmer and another in English for my benefit.  I ensured they only reference Australia not us personally for the recognition of the charity given.  The showed the toilets and they looked even better than the photos show, we are very proud of them and the great building job that was done and control by our project manager Sawy.  There are locks on the toilets now as it is known in the area how good the new toilets are.  There is a market next to the school and the general public was using them on weekends when the school was empty.  On this quick two day trip we visited another primary school, another 45kms closer to Vietnam from this one.  Similar size and issues.  We may be doing the same at this new location so will move this page to it's own page now it is finished and start the new school in the possible Live Project page.  Hopefully can have a short visit back to the school possibly in January to start to quote and organise what needs to be done.


Photo Array

 (I am not an expert website builder and do not know how to make the photos a thumb and click to zoom, so for a closer look please zoom manually, for example in Internet Explorer, Ctrl + (zoom), Ctrl - (reduce) and Ctrl 0 (back to normal size))

 Main Classroom Building
Main Classroom Building
Main Classroom Building is "L" Shaped
"L" Part on Main Classroom Building
"L" Part on Main Classroom Building
Main Classroom Building is "L" Shaped
Main Classroom Building is "L" Shaped
2nd Classroom Building (Toilets Behind this)
2nd Classroom Building
2nd Classroom Building
2nd Classroom Building (Toilets far end)
Non-Working Toilet Block to be demolished
Non-Working Toilet Block to be demolished
Background is the 2 Toilet Block - keeping
Non-Working Toilet Block to be demolished
Background is the 2 Toilet Block - keeping
2 Toilet Block - To Remain
School Manager
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds


Photo Array - Progress of the Build

 (I am not an expert website builder and do not know how to make the photos a thumb and click to zoom, so for a closer look please zoom manually, for example in Internet Explorer, Ctrl + (zoom), Ctrl - (reduce) and Ctrl 0 (back to normal size))


Destroying Old Non-Working Toilet Block
Supplies Delivered
Supplies Delivered
Foundations Begin






 Walls Begin



 Back Wall



 Back Wall


Back Wall
Behind Back Wall
Start to dig to install septics
Excavation Cambodian Style
Excavation Cambodian Style
Ready for Septics
Septic Install
Pre-Fab - Stacked 3 High
3 High to Make Full Septic Tank
3 Septic Tanks for the 5 Toilet Block
Finished Install in Ground



Fill in hole around tanks
Large Cubicles
Roof/Floor/Toilet Furniture/Doors/Painting/General Finishing all still to be completed
Finished Block - cleaning up last of mess made
Finished Toilet - Doors to be hung
Finished Back Wall of Toilet
Finished Back Wall of Toilet
Finished 5 Toilet Block - Looks great rendered. Total toilets from 2 to 7 now :)
Finished - Doors Hung
3 on the right for Girls.  2 on the Left for Boys and the existing 2 working toilets that we did not touch to be used 1 each for Girls for Boys.
Water supply is box on the right.  This is full of water and a saucepan type bucket it used to scoop water and tip down toilet to flush

All 5 look exactly the same inside

Certificate presented to Sawy our project manager and friend in Cambodia at the below assembly.  I do not know what it says being in Khmer but it thanks the Australian people and Sawy, I am told. There is another one to be presented during the official Ceremony when we return.
October was presented by the School Principal and School Manager with the Certificate on the left and this one interpreted into English
Assembly being told how to use and take care of new toilet block
Kids leaving school all have to wear red helmets if ride or walk.  Traffic everywhere on busy road Phnom Penh to Vietnam makes it easier for cars, truck, buses and motor bikes to see them






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