Australia Cambodia Sanitation Co-Operative





Who Are We


Clothing/Toy Donations


Completed Prek Eng School Project


Completed 2nd School Project


Live Project




Upcoming Fundraising




Example of Past Smaller Projects

These have been limited to building shower/toilet rooms in individual family homes

The past projects have been built in a village in Kampong Thom Province.  This is the same village where we have donated the clothes and toys as well

You will see from the photos under the Clothing/Toys Donations page, the people live very simply.  Homes consist of a block of land about 15M square with a wooden structure built on stilts to keep the family dry during the flood of the wet season. The people predominately earn their income from farming rice on the outskirts of the village. Almost all of the families do not have toilets or showers.

Men (Who Are We) is from Kampong Thom Province and he explained to us many of the children have gone to get jobs in the cities of Siem Reap or Phnom Penh and get used to using toilets and showering.  It makes it more difficult for them to return home to visit or live without those "modern conveniences" they are now accustomed.  The younger people would also like their family to have these "conveniences" as well.


Photo Array of Examples of Previous Projects

(I am not an expert website builder and do not know how to make the photos a thumb and click to zoom, so for a closer look please zoom manually, for example in Internet Explorer, Ctrl + (zoom), Ctrl - (reduce) and Ctrl 0 (back to normal size))

Sketch, List, Negotiate Supplies
Supply - Cured Stackable Septic Tanks
Supply - Curing Septic Tanks
Supply - Stacked Septics forming a tank
Supply - Brick and Example of Toilet
Supply - Tile
Supply - Tile
Supply - Quote
Delivery of Supply to site
Partial Build
Partial Build
Finished Shower and Toilet block
Finished Shower and Toilet block
Finished Inside Left Side - Toilet
Finished Inside Right Side - Shower and Water Supply




Why have we altered slightly from continuing this work

  •  We were only helping one family at a time (maybe on one property but their family in other houses would be permitted to use it) but not all other families

  •  We felt this was not fair to all families and how we would pick who to help next

  •  We considered building large shower/toilet blocks on "public" land for all the village to use. This was problematic finding the area, confirming who actually owned the land to get approval and if we could, who would look after, clean and maintain them

  •  Hence our changing to helping more people by building toilets in schools.  See Current Projects for details



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