Australia Cambodia Sanitation Co-Operative





Who Are We


Clothing/Toy Donations


First Projects


Completed Prek Eng School Project


Live Project




Upcoming Fundraising





 Public School in Kandal Province (Or could be in Prey Veng Province, we have been there but not sure where the borders are, we are awaiting confirmation of exact province this is in) - South West of the Capital Phnom Penh on the road to Vietnam.  About 45km closer to Vietnam than the last completed project at Prek Eng Primary School

 School Details

 1,000 Primary School Students attend this school, 6 days per week


 The school has 2 working toilets for all the students and this creates hygiene issues and frequent illnesses

 Our Project

 Build a 5 toilet block

 New Septic tanks

 Water Supply

 Existing 2 working toilets to remain


 Unknown, too early to tell, one one visit so far, next visit formal quotes will be done, we assume the cost will be around $10,000 Australian Dollars (based on being able to get exchange rate of 75c US Dollar - fingers crossed)

 What is included in the price

 Supplies - Brick, Metal, Sand, Septics, Tile, Toilet Furniture, etc

 Builders - Excavate and install new septics and water supplies; Build toilet block

 Project Manager - This is essential in Cambodia.  A local trusted person to pay the required amount needed to do the days work and to check the previous days work was completed. Also to provide photos and updates for this website

 Allowance - For a 10% overrun in costs during the build and also to insulate against a possible drop in Australian Dollar versus the US Dollar.  If this is not needed in its entirety it will be put towards the next project


 TBA - Have only visited the site once, timing will be determined after that

Planned Building Start Date



Current Project Key Milestones

  •  October 2016 - Scouting for next project and Primary School selected/visited

  •  Possible visit January 2017 - Full Quote for Supply, Build and Project Management to be obtained

  • Visit for first quotes and discussion with builder did not occur until 4th March 2017.  Talks went well and there will need to be another visit to finalise the plans on what is to be built but the quote roughly above has improved from roughly $12,500 AUD to about $10,000 AUD.  The school asked if it was possible to build more than 5 toilets.  I advised them, that they can have as many as they want but it will take longer to save.  We agreed to still to the 5 so some are built this year and we may build some more there at a later date.

  • Easter 2017 and Terri and Deb from my work kindly paid for and organised a chocolate egg raffle.  This raffle and some direct donations equated to $720 being raised.  I am blown away by everyone who wants to help this little project.

  • July 2017 - Our savings has progressed well, together with the raffle from Easter and some other kind donators (you know who you are and I cannot thank you enough) has reached $5,000 AUD.  A last visit is needed to Cambodia to finalise the quote and move towards a build date.

  • 19th August 2017 - Phnom Penh visited. Total cost of supplies, building and project management will come in at $9,800 AUD.  Start date to be selected after the current wet season (torrential rains) have ceased

  • 18th October 2017 - Wet season subsiding and build date planned to commence on 7th November 2017

  • 29th October 2017 - Total savings and donations has just passed $8,000 AUD.  The build will commence on the agreed 7th November.  The last $1,800 AUD is being saved as quick as possible to be ready before the end of the build. First amount of $2,000 USD to be sent to the project manager on 4th November 2017 to start the build on the 7th November

  • Thank you to all who have helped us and donated.  The last $1,800 will be a push but the savings will get there.  Thank you all once again.

  • Once the build commences please visit here to see the progress photos (below) and milestone updates to show your generosity at work.

  • Building commenced 1 week after the proposed start date of the 7th November.  Initially that date was moved to the 11th and then moved again with an actual start on 14th November.  The delay was due incessant longer than normal rainy season.

  • First 20% of the budget was sent to Cambodia on 5th November.

  • The next 4 instalments of the remainder of the 80% budget has been sent in 20% instalments when required.  The last transfer being on 22/12/2017. The progress has been fast in 6 weeks.  I am waiting for more photos as the last remaining work as of 24/12/2017 is the tiling, toilet furniture, doors and painting the outside.  Will be good to see the next photos with the roof one and the septics finished and water connected.

  • The last 20% of the budget sent on 22/12/2017 is supposed to cover all the remaining works.  However there is a possibility we will go over budget due to the changing cost of some of the supplies, but it will be small.  It is envisaged it will be a maximum of $500 USD over.  If required this will be sent at the end of the project.

  • Project finished, cleaned and ready for use on 13th January 2018.  Thank you all for your support and generous donations.

  • Visit of the completed project will occur in the middle of March 2018



Photo Array

 (I am not an expert website builder and do not know how to make the photos a thumb and click to zoom, so for a closer look please zoom manually, for example in Internet Explorer, Ctrl + (zoom), Ctrl - (reduce) and Ctrl 0 (back to normal size))

Main Classroom Building
Could not get a good photo in wet season
Main Classroom Building is "L" Shaped
Back of the "L" Shaped main building and to the left of this is the existing 2 toilets
Existing 2 Toilets for 1,000 students
Existing 2 Toilets
Existing 2 Toilets
School Grounds Wet Season
School Grounds Wet Season
School Grounds Wet Season
School Grounds Wet Season
Other Classroom Building
Other Classroom Building
Lunch area and behind the school is a big pagoda area with many temples


Photo Array - Progress of the Build

 (I am not an expert website builder and do not know how to make the photos a thumb and click to zoom, so for a closer look please zoom manually, for example in Internet Explorer, Ctrl + (zoom), Ctrl - (reduce) and Ctrl 0 (back to normal size))

Project start date 11 November delayed for a few days as it continued to rain
Build begins 14th November
Children look on as the work starts
Bricklaying progresses
Children Waiting near existing 2 toilet block
Child trying to use new toilets too soon :)
Cement rendering begins
Cement rendering finished 01/12/2017.
 Next - Toilet furniture, roof, tiling, septic tanks into ground, water connection, doors and then paint.  Progressing fast, but lots still to do
Septic Tanks go in






Finished Project - Outside
Finished Project - Inside


Cleaning equipment for each toilet purchased
Cleaning Begins
Sawy - Friend and Project Manager helps clean prior to first use


Finished project ready for use


Finished project ready for use






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